Employment Ads: JOB POSTINGS
Job Postings are prominent text ads that appear at the top of our jobs pages. They are available for all areas of South Carolina and all types of employer.

Please note that in keeping with Google's quality standards, your link will be coded "nofollow". This will allow your website to be included on SCIWAY while also keeping you safe in search engines.
- Featured Job Postings are ideal for advertising individual positions as well as job fairs, employment training opportunities, and other career resources.
Rate & Duration
- Featured Job Postings cost $95 and run for a 30-day period on one page. The advertised position may not be swapped out during this ad term. If you need to advertise another position, you will need to purchase a separate Featured Job Posting.
- Featured Job Postings appear before any other content on the page. When multiple Featured Job Postings appear on the same page, the order of the postings will rotate each time a new visitor arrives to the page. Please know that your posting will always appear on the page – sometimes it will be first, sometimes it will be last, and sometimes it will be in the middle. This method is used to ensure equality among our advertisers.
How to Order?
Just fill out the quick, secure form below. Turnaround time is 2 business days at most.
Order your Job Posting