Banner Ads for SC Businesses & Organizations

South Carolina SCIWAY Advertiser Guide Ad Types Business/Organization Ads Banners

Business / Organization Ads:  BANNERS

Banners are classic display ads that appear across the top of a SCIWAY page or in its right column. They are excellent options for any page, and they also allow you to feature your company or organization on pages where Annual Featured Ads are not available.

At SCIWAY, we offer two options – the IAB Leaderboard Banner and the IAB Medium Rectangle Banner – both shown in yellow below:

Please note that in keeping with Google's quality standards, your link will be coded "nofollow". This will allow your website to be included on SCIWAY while also keeping you safe in search engines.

Size & Placement

  • IAB Medium Rectangle: 300x250 pixels
    This 300x250 pixel image appears within the right column of our page. Please note that medium rectangles appear below the central content of a page on smart phones. They appear in line with the central content (i.e., "above the fold") on both desktops and tablets.
  • IAB Leaderboard: 728x90 pixels
    This 728x90 pixel image appears across the top of our page, to the immediate right of our logo, allowing you to co-brand the SCIWAY page of your choice. Please note that leaderboards appear only on desktop and tablets versions of SCIWAY. Because of space constraints, they do not appear on smart phones.

Rates & Duration

  • To purchase the IAB Medium Rectangle ad for one year, the cost is $95. You may also purchase the IAB Leaderboard for an additional $45 per year. The IAB Leaderbaord is not sold on its own, as it does not appear on smartphones. It does appear on both desktop and tablet versions of SCIWAY.

    Please note that banner graphics may be swapped out up to twice a year. We will design your first set of banners free of charge.

SITE-WIDE: IAB Medium Rectangle: 300x250 pixels

  • NEW: This 300x250 pixel image appears on SCIWAY's homepage and within the right column of interior pages. This special placement costs $250 for a 30-day run. Please contact for more information and availability.

Do you need a banner graphic? We'll create it for FREE!

If you need us to create a banner – or a pair of banners – for you, we are happy to help. There is no charge, and we will work with you to make sure we understand any special wishes you have for their design. You will also have the right to approve your banners before they go live. Take a look below at a few of our banners below. (Note: The IAB leaderboard examples are shown smaller than actual size.)

How to Order?

Just fill out the quick, secure form below. If you already have a banner image to upload, turnaround time is typically 3 business days at most. If we have to create a banner image from you, turnaround time may be a bit longer. Please rest assured that your ad year will not begin until your ad is live.

   Order your Banner Ad
Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
Banner click-through address (URL)
Number of ads per page

Page on which you'd like your banner to appear (limit one per order):

Would you like us to create your banner(s) for FREE? Yes No
If you would like us to design your banner graphic(s), please add any special instructions in the field below. (Examples: Include logo or tagline, use certain photographs, etc.) You will have the chance to approve your image before it goes online.
Do you already have an image? If so, please make sure it adheres to the specifications below and then upload your .jpg, .gif, or .png image here:

Banner Ads: Specifications

If you would like to send your own banner, please read and adhere to the following specifications. We reserve the right to deny any artwork or to request changes. For more information, please contact

Available Ad Sizes:
IAB Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels) and IAB Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 pixels)

Acceptable File Types:
.jpg, .gif, .png

Animated .gif files are not permitted.

File Size:
30K max

We highly recommend your ad feature a non-white background so that it will "pop" on the page. If your ad has a light-colored background, it must be surrounded by a one-pixel border of a darker color. Please incorporate this border into your design and overall dimensions.

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