SCIWAY Advertiser Guide

South Carolina > SCIWAY Advertiser Guide > Ad Choices

Choose Your Type of Ad

Want more customers?

We can help. Below, choose the type of ad that best suits your needs. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Event Ads

Promote Your Event on Our SC Calendar

Main Calendar Feature
Feature your event at the top of a calendar page! Your ad will include a large graphic which links to your website.

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Annual Featured Ad
These expanded listings appear at the top of our city event pages and incude your link, phone number, address, description, and a large image.

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Standard Non-Commercial Listing
We will add a standard link for most non-commercial events in South Carolina, free of charge.

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Standard Commercial Listing
Your listing will include a link to your website, its date(s), its location, and a 20-word description.

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Business / Organization Ads

Feature Your Business or Organization on SCIWAY

Annual Standard Ad
These are simple alphabetical links.

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Annual Featured Ad
These expanded listings appear at the top of the page and incude your link, phone number, address, description, and a large image.

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Employment Ads

Place an Employment Ad on SCIWAY

Annual Standard Ad
These are simple text links.

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Job Posting
Feature your job posting on our exclusive SC jobs board. Includes a link to your site plus the job's description.

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