Choose Your Type of Ad |
We can help. Below, choose the type of ad that best suits your needs. If you have any questions, please contact us at service@sciway.net.
Promote Your Event on Our SC Calendar
Main Calendar Feature Feature your event at the top of a calendar page! Your ad will include a large graphic which links to your website. |
$650 Year |
Annual Featured Ad These expanded listings appear at the top of our city event pages and incude your link, phone number, address, description, and a large image. |
$225 Year |
Standard Non-Commercial Listing We will add a standard link for most non-commercial events in South Carolina, free of charge. |
Free |
Standard Commercial Listing Your listing will include a link to your website, its date(s), its location, and a 20-word description. |
$75 Year |
Feature Your Business or Organization on SCIWAY
Annual Standard Ad These are simple alphabetical links. |
$45 Year |
Annual Featured Ad These expanded listings appear at the top of the page and incude your link, phone number, address, description, and a large image. |
From $145 Year |
Banner These classic display ads appear across the top of a SCIWAY page or in its right column. |
From $95 |
Place an Employment Ad on SCIWAY
Annual Standard Ad These are simple text links. |
$45 Year |
Job Posting Feature your job posting on our exclusive SC jobs board. Includes a link to your site plus the job's description. |
$95 Month |