South Carolina
SC Organizations
SC Charities
Abbeville Charities
Please choose from one of the following types of nonprofits and community organizations:
Animal & Wildlife Rescue in Abbeville
- Animal rescue in the SC Upstate
These animal rescue organizations – all of which are based in Abbeville or nearby areas of the South Carolina's Upstate – provide care and refuge for cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, and other domestic animals.
- SC wildlife rescue, rehabilitation
Have you found an injured wild animal? This guide can help you locate a licensed rehabber in South Carolina. It also lists the many great places you can volunteer to help native critters in need.
Arts & Cultural Organizations in Abbeville
- Abbeville Artist Guild
The Abbeville Artist Guild was founded in 2002, with the intent to gather local artists, to promote the importance of art and art education within Abbeville County, South Carolina.
Environmental Nonprofits in the SC Upstate
Family Support & Assistance in Abbeville
These Abbeville groups provide support for families and children in need.
- Beyond Abuse
Beyond Abuse is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization serving adults, children, and families who are victims of sexual abuse in Abbeville, Greenwood and Laurens counties in South Carolina. Their mission is to lead their community beyond sexual violence and child abuse through awareness, advocacy and action.
Health Organizations in Abbeville
- American Red Cross, Upstate South Carolina
The American Red Cross provides services to the residents of South Carolina including disaster relief, health and safety classes, blood collection for hospitals, and services to the armed forces.
- Burton Center for Disabilities and Special Needs
Burton Center was created in 1971 to provide essential services to individuals with disabilities and special needs and to offer much needed assistance to their families.
Organizations that Fight Poverty & Hunger
- GLEAMNS Human Resources Commission
This not for profit organization in Abbeville assists low income households with job training, home weatherization, and youth programs. GLEAMNS seeks to empower low-income residents through education, employment, and self-sufficiency.
- Golden Harvest Food Bank
Golden Harvest Food Bank provides Abbeville County residents in need quality food and other grocery products by offering direct service programs, food pantries, and community education about hunger.
Religious Organizations in Abbeville
- Abbeville
This helpful directory of churches, temples, and mosques in Abbeville is sorted by denomination.
Senior Citizen Organizations in Abbeville
- Area Agency on Aging
This Abbeville county nonprofit seeks to improve the quality of life for elderly citizens by enabling them to lead independent lives within their own homes for as long as possible.
More Abbeville SC Organizations
- United Way of the Lakelands
This wide-reaching organization works to improve the lives of individuals and communities by providing programs to address education, financial stability, and health needs in the communities of Abbeville.