Friends of Bald Rock Heritage Preserve - Cleveland - works to restore, preserve and cherish Bald Rock Heritage Preserve by picking up litter and removing graffiti
Make Greenville Greener - Greenville chapter of Sustain Cities helps communities to grow responsible businesses, live greener and promote equal access to green spaces and solutions
Nation Ford Land Trust - Fort Mill - dedicated to the preservation of open spaces, natural beauty, and the scenic heritage of the York County
Spartanburg Area Conservancy - SPACE - protects and conserves land for Spartanburg citizens, volunteer landowners, and visitors
Sustaining Way - Greenville - promotes simple living and works to help people and organizations develop sustainable methods to build a thriving community and environment
TreesUpstate - Greenville - nonprofit organization will the mission to plant, promote, and protect trees in the Upstate
Upstate Food Co-op - Six Mile - member-owned volunteer organization providing natural and organic food
Upstate Forever - nonprofit conservation organization, with offices in Greenville and Spartanburg, that protects the critical lands, waters, and unique character of Upstate South Carolina