South Carolina
Greenwood County
Ninety Six
Ninety Six is located in
Greenwood County.
In the country's earliest days, colonists established a fortified settlement here and it was a political and legal center for the entire northwest corner of the state. The name Ninety Six was in use as early as 1730 and probably referred to the mileage from the fort to the Cherokee nation's capital of Koewee.
In 1769, the village was in the center of an early Judicial District that encompassed 14 modern South Carolina counties.
In the late 1700s through the mid 1800s, district lines shifted several times as the population in the entire region grew steadily. There were attempts to create a "Ninety Six County," but finally, because
Greenwood was the larger railroad town, it was selected as the seat of a new Greenwood County, formed in 1897 from sections of
Edgefield and
Abbeville counties.
Today, Greenwood is the closest city to Ninety Six. Here is a map of the
Greenwood area.
General Information, Jobs
Maps, Transportation
Recreation, Entertainment, Tourism
Business Resources
Schools, Colleges, Libraries
Hospitals, Churches, Helping Organizations