00000000 Jul 10 - 12 |
South Carolina Festival of Discovery
3-day festival features BBQ cook-off, live blues music, arts, crafts, kids zone, hot dog eating contest | Greenwood | Festival |
00000001 Dates TBD |
Greenwood Christmas Parade
Parade proceeds along Main Street | Greenwood | Holiday |
00000002 Dates TBD |
Race the Helix
5K run or 1-mile walk/run plus virtual option - benefits the Greenwood Genetic Center Foundation | Greenwood | Sports |
00000003 Dates TBD |
South Carolina Festival of Flowers
4-day feature of this month long festival includes tours, live music, kidfest, displays, sporting events, 5K run and 1 mile fun run | Greenwood | Festival |
00000004 Dates TBD |
iMAGINE Lakelands STEAM Festival
STEAM-centered experiences for students of all ages to promote innovation and entrepreneurial activity in SC | Greenwood | Educational |