SCIWAY News, No. 9 – February 1998![]() In This Issue
This Issue's SponsorThis issue of SCIWAY News is sponsored by Claiborne Young, the author of "Cruising Guide to Coastal South Carolina and Georgia". This 400+ page book (see is full of useful and interesting information about South Carolina's coastal waterways, local history, and onshore attractions. I own often used copies of the second and third editions, and I don't leave port without them. They've helped me find some beautiful places and wonderful times--and avoid 99.9 percent of the thousands of oyster banks and sand bars that hide in our state's salt water rivers, creeks, and sounds. Ask Sciway - A Way We Can Share What We KnowThe number of e-mail messages SCIway receives each week is increasing steadily. Some of these messages report broken links or provide addresses for new South Carolina websites. Others are SCIWAY News subscriptions, address changes, or suggestions. But the largest number are QUESTIONS about South Carolina. Questions from K12 students and their parents, businesses, genealogists, people who are thinking about moving to South Carolina or planning to vacation here. Questions about almost every aspect of South Carolina imaginable. We appreciate these questions, but as their number increases, it's becoming impossible for us to answer them all. So we thought we'd ask for a little help from our friends. What we'd like to do is set up an online bulletin board system called "Ask SCIway." This service would enable anyone in the world to ask a factual question about South Carolina ... and any interested South Carolinian could answer it. Here, more specifically, is what we have in mind:
If a significant number of SCIWAY News readers are interested in this approach to sharing what we know about South Carolina, we will set up a trial bulletin board for a single subject and see how well it works. If it proves to be useful and manageable, we'll add other subjects as quickly as our resources permit. Second SCIway PollIf you think Ask SCIway would be a useful service, please send me a message that lists the South Carolina subjects you're most interested in. Address your message to and list up to three subjects. Also, if you would be interested in serving as a volunteer moderator for one or more of the subject areas you list, I would appreciate your noting this in your message. The results of this poll will be presented in the March issue of SCIWAY News. New and Notable South Carolina Web Sites
SCIway Adds South Carolina Relocation, Real Estate SectionIn response to an increasing number of questions from people who are considering moving or planning to move to South Carolina, we have added a new "Relocation, Real Estate" section ( to SCIway. This new resource is cross-linked with our 150+ city and county pages and includes individual city pages for residential real estate, commercial real estate, private and retirement communities, apartments and residential rentals, newspaper real estate classified ads, builders, and mortgage lenders. It also provides links to many other state and national resources related to relocating and real estate. If you work in a relocation/real estate-related organization, I hope you will check the pages for your area carefully and let me know we can do to improve them (additions, deletions, corrections, organizational and classification changes, etc.). Please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to We will be adding vacation rentals and property management pages to this section in March. Limestone University Library Catalog Now On WebYou can now access Limestone University's online library catalog with your Web browser (go to Limestone's main campus is located in the Upstate in Gaffney. State Trails Program Web Site Worth The HikeIf you enjoy hiking and camping, horseback riding, bicycling, or just interesting walks, you may want to visit the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism's "State Trails Program" Web site ( This well organized, well maintained site has lots of information about our state's trails and trail-related activities and resources. Before I explored it, I had no idea that South Carolina had such a rich variety of trails or that they were so intertwined with our history. Upcoming Festivals, Shows, EventsFor the latest information on upcoming South Carolina events, please see
South Carolina Web Site Of The MonthEach month I visit or revisit hundreds of South Carolina websites. While many of these sites are excellent, I'll occasionally run across one that's exceptional. This month as I was working on SCIWAY's new "Relocation, Real Estate" section, I happened on such a site. It's a simple site, but its home page made me smile. In fact I still smile every time I go back! This page ( - site no longer exists) promotes the virtues of both the town of Lancaster and Simpson and Williams Realtors, a local company. I can't describe the page for you--it's something you've just got to see for yourself. But I can promise that it will be worth the drive. Lancaster is located in north central South Carolina, a few miles below the North Carolina border. I haven't made it there yet, but one day I will. and when I do, I'm definitely going to visit the ladies at Simpson and Williams. They are clearly the sort of public spirited people who make South Carolina's smaller towns and cities the special places they are. SCIway Poll ReminderIf you plan to participate in this month's SCIway Poll, please respond now while you're thinking about it. Just send a list of the South Carolina subjects you're most interested in to
Copyright © 1998 SCIway, LLC. SCIWAY News is written by Rod Welch of James Island, South Carolina–with a lot of help from people throughout South Carolina. Circulation: 16,000+ You are welcome to distribute complete, unaltered copies of this issue to anyone in any format ... or to include parts of it in printed publications. But please indicate the source (SCIWAY News, February 26, 1998) and include our Web address ( Thanks! News, new Web site addresses, comments, and questions should also be sent to
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