SCIWAY News, No. 27 – August 2000![]() For Small Businesses
This issue is sponsored by the Authority Channel, a Columbia Web design company that serves small businesses throughout South Carolina. Small business owners face tough decisions as they try to figure out what makes a successful Web site. The Authority Channel has helped more than 100 SC businesses solve this puzzle. Visit the Authority Channel's Internet business headquarters and meet its president and design team at - site no longer available.
In This Issue
SCIWAY News is a free, concise email newsletter that will keep you informed about what's happening on South Carolina's Information Highway. It is usually published once a month and spotlights new South Carolina websites and other noteworthy state online resources and services. If you find SCIWAY News useful, please forward this issue to others who are interested in South Carolina. But if you don't want to receive any more issues, just send the word "unsubscribe" to 1. Listen to South Carolina Radio Stations OnlineLast month we introduced a new South Carolina Webcams page (, which links to more than 20 state video cameras that are connected to the Internet. This page has become so popular that we have recently expanded our South Carolina radio station directory as many of these stations offer online listening. You can find these stations at, which you may want to bookmark. I think you'll be impressed with the variety and quality of the music, talk shows, and sports events you can listen to there. Regardless of where you live, you can access Internet radio through your computer, if it has a sound card. You will usually also need to install an audio and video software plug-in such as RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, or NetShow Player. You can do this just by clicking the download button on the radio site you want to listen to. If you haven't tried Internet radio yet, give it a spin. And if you know of a South Carolina online radio station or program we've missed, please send its address to, and we'll be happy to add it to 2. New and Notable South Carolina Web Sites
3. New SCIway Advertisers
4. 55 SC Libraries Now Have Web CatalogsIn the first issue of SCIWAY News, published in March 1997, we reported that three South Carolina libraries had new Web-based catalogs (see Web catalogs have graphical interfaces, as opposed to plain text interfaces, and they do not require that telnet software be installed on your computer. Today at least 55 South Carolina libraries have Web catalogs. That's progress! You can easily use all of these catalogs, which enable you to find out what books and other resources a library has, by visiting SCIWAY's library directory: Relatedly, in anticipation of the new school year, we have expanded and reorganized SCIWAY's directory of South Carolina libraries, archives, and museums ( As always, if you see anything we've missed, please write us at 5. Use DISCUS to Access Library Resources from Home or WorkWhile it's convenient to be able to use the Web to find out what resources a library has, it would save even more time if you could actually read the information you're looking for from home or work. Fortunately an innovative, cost-effective state government program called DISCUS can help you do exactly this. DISCUS is an acronym for Digital Information for South Carolina Users. This program ( is coordinated by the State Library in Columbia. State and federal funds are used to purchase statewide subscriptions for full-text online versions of magazines, journals, newspapers, encyclopedias, directories, reference books, and reports. All of these resources can be accessed from public libraries, K12 schools (including accredited private schools), and colleges ... and some can also be accessed from outside these facilities. To use DISCUS from home or work, call or visit your county library and ask for a DISCUS ID and password. Then visit the library's Web site and follow the instructions on its "databases" page. (In some counties you may also need your library card number.) I used DISCUS for the first time yesterday ... to search for and read articles from The State, the Charlotte Observer, and the New York Times. Nice! Some South Carolina libraries provide additional, non-DISCUS online resources that you can also access from home or work. You may need a different password to access these resources. Please contact your local library for complete information. 6. If You Like South Carolina History, We've Got a Job for You!One of the most popular parts of SCIway is our Ask SCIWAY forums, where anyone can ask and answer questions about South Carolina. Four of the six forums deal with South Carolina history and genealogy, and three of these are moderated by the South Carolina Historical Society ( We are looking for a moderator for the fourth forum: South Carolina History - Other Questions. If you know a lot about South Carolina history, have ready access to reference resources, and can spend two to four hours a week researching and answering questions about South Carolina history, please write me at We can definitely use your help!
7. SC County Maps Improved AgainLast month's issue of SCIWAY News included a link to a new set of South Carolina county maps that were considerably better than our original county maps. Since then, more than 10,000 people have viewed these maps (, and many have suggested additional improvements. So ... we have gone back to the drawing board and corrected several mistakes, labeled more communities, and added literally hundreds of secondary roads and road numbers. Thanks to everyone who took the time to help us make these maps more useful. 8. Upcoming Festivals and EventsFor the latest information on upcoming South Carolina events, please see Like April and May, September and October are peak festival months in South Carolina. For the latest information on upcoming events, please see
9. Surprise of the Month: Dixie in the Land of Brotherly LoveEarlier this month I spent more than an hour at an express ticket counter in Philadelphia's airport, trying to rebook a flight to Charleston. The standing was made considerably more pleasant by two banjo players strumming a steady stream of American songs near the entrance to Concourse C. About midway through my vigil, I heard a familiar tune that I haven't heard in a public place in a long time: Dixie. It turned out to be an extended version: first joyful, then mournful, then jubilant. As the banjoists played, I closely watched the faces of literally hundreds of passersby–black and white. No one glared at the musicians, or shook their heads, or asked the two gentlemen to cease their song. A few, like me, smiled. In South Carolina we can freely play the Battle Hymn of the Republic–a favorite of Union soldiers during the Civil War–as well as the national anthems of America's enemies in much more recent wars. I hope that someday we can enjoy Dixie together too. Fast or slow, it's a beautiful song ... about a special place that has so much promise ... if only we can learn to walk in each other's shoes. Dixie was written in September 1859 by Daniel Decatur Emmett, an Ohio native whose Virginian parents were strict abolitionists. Emmett composed Dixie's six verses for a minstrel show ... on a cold, gray New York City Sunday. During the Civil War he was loyal to the Union and often apologized for writing the song that became the South's unofficial national anthem. On the other hand, Dixie was one of Abraham Lincoln's favorite tunes. You can learn a lot more about Dixie–and listen to it too–by going to this SCIway page:
Copyright © 2000 SCIway, LLC. SCIWAY News is written by Rod Welch of James Island, South Carolina–with a lot of help from people throughout South Carolina. ISSN: 1527-3903. Direct circulation: 35,000+ You are welcome to distribute complete, unaltered copies of this issue to anyone in any format ... or to include parts of it in printed publications. But please indicate the source (SCIWAY News, August 30, 2000) and include our Web address ( Thanks! To subscribe to SCIWAY News, send a one-word message that says "subscribe" to To unsubscribe, send an "unsubscribe" message to this same address. If your email address changes, please send your old and new addresses to The SCIWAY News mailing list is not shared with anyone. News, new Web site addresses, and comments and questions about this newsletter should also be sent to Back issues of SCIway news can be found at
SCIway, pronounced "sky-way," is an acronym for South Carolina Information Highway.
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