SCIWAY News No. 70 – July 2009![]() In This IssueSC Picture of the MonthSunrise casts a soft summer glow over Myrtle Island on the May River in Bluffton. South Carolina's coast has experienced unusually high tides in the past week. Called astronomical tides, they are caused by the gravitational forces of the earth, moon, and sun. The tides have provided great views as well as exceptional swimming and boating. Unfortunately, they have also caused a fair degree of flooding!
As everyone in South Carolina knows, our state has been hit by a sweltering heat wave recently. Temperatures have reached the high 90s, and the heat index has been well over 100 degrees. We hope that this serene morning marsh view allows you to cool off – at least mentally! Calling All Photographers & Artists! Even if it weren't for the heat, we'd know it must be summertime in South Carolina. All our readers have gone on vacation and forgotten to send us pictures! SCIway is looking for great scenes from around our beautiful state. Over 70,000 different people view our gallery every month. Submitting a picture is a great way to bring attention to you or your town. Please send us your pictures and help us celebrate South Carolina's history, culture, and beauty. Upcoming SC Festivals & Events – July 2009Here are South Carolina's first 13 events for July. Please be sure to click here to find links for ALL July events. We don't want you to miss any of them!If you are interested in adding your SC event to our calendar, please visit our calendar options. Last but not least, remember that all of our calendars of events, for every month of the year, are available on SCIway website's 24/7/365 – just go to South Carolina's Featured July Event 8th Annual South Carolina Festival of Discovery – July 9-11, 2009
More SC July Festivals, Events July 3: Hartsville July 4th Family Fireworks Festival - Entertainment, food, carnival games, car & motorcycle show - site not available July 4: Firecracker 5000 Road Race and Fun Walk - Hilton Head - 5K run and post-race celebration July 4: Greer Freedom Blast - Music, picnic games, inflatables play area, salute to the Armed Forces, fireworks - site not available July 4: July 4th Celebration on Lake Murray - Boat parade, fireworks choreographed to music July 4: Lexington County Peach Festival - Gilbert - Parade, food, entertainment, crafts, recipe contests July 4: Murrells Inlet Boat Parade & Fireworks - Boat and dock decoration contests, fireworks at 10 PM - site not available July 4: Patriots Point 4th of July Celebration - Mount Pleasant - Live music, fireworks at 10 PM - page no longer exists July 4: Red, White & Blue - Greenville - site no longer exists July 4: Red, White, and Blue on the Green - Summerville - Music, food, parade, fireworks July 9-11: South Carolina Festival of Discovery | Greenwood Blues Cruise July 10-19: Beaufort Water Festival - Music, air show, Blessing of the Fleet, sporting events, crafts, dances, food July 10-19: South Carolina Peach Festival - Gaffney - Family fun zone, sport contests, parade, BBQ cookoff, races
© 2009, LLC. "SCIWAY News"™ is written by the team at SCIWAY – with a lot of help from people throughout South Carolina. ISSN: 1527-3903.
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