SCIWAY News No. 66 – May 2009![]() In This Issue1. SC Pictures of the Month – From the Mountains to the SeaAs you'll see in the next section, we had to skimp a little on our May Calendar of Events, so we're making it up to you by featuring TWO "SC Pictures of the Month"! These photos celebrate South Carolina "from the mountains to the sea"!
Located in Greenville County, Caesars Head State Park is an ideal place to enjoy fishing, hiking, camping, and bird watching. With gorgeous views of the Blue Ridge Escarpment, it is home to Raven Cliff Falls – our state's highest waterfall. This picture was submitted to the SC Picture Project by Josh Jones of Greenville, a professional photographer who specializes in weddings, architecture, and nature photography. Check out his website for more pictures.
The quiet village of Little River, located along the Grand Strand, is one of the oldest coastal settlements in South Carolina. The community is growing quickly and holds an annual Blue Crab Festival. Visitors and residents alike enjoy evening boat cruises and all-day deep-sea fishing excursions year-round. 2. Upcoming SC Festivals & Events – May 2009Last month we promised to start sending you our entire South Carolina Calendar of Events every month, but we ran into a huge problem. The calendar contained so many links, mail servers around the state marked it as spam. In all, about a quarter of our 40,000 subscribers never even received it!This month, we are only sending links to the first 10 events – all of which happen to take place on May 1. Please click here to find links for ALL May events. There are close to 100, and we don't want you to miss out on any of them. If you are interested in adding your SC event to our calendar, please visit our calendar options. Last but not least, remember that all of our calendars of events, for every month of the year, are available on SCIway website's 24/7/365 – just go to South Carolina's Featured May Events United Artists for Hope Music & Arts Festival – North Charleston – Navy Yard at Noisette – May 2, 2009
Plum Hollow Alternative Bluegrass Festival – Campobello – Bands, Camping, All-Night Pickin' - May 29-30, 2009
More SC May Festivals, Events
May 1: McDaniels Golf Classic - Columbia - benefits Palmetto Health Cancer Centers for treatment, research - page no longer exists May 1-2: Greer Family Fest - music, KidsZone, rides, children's parade, petting zoo, Creation Station, (Link no longer active) May 1-2: Spring Festival on the Square - Abbeville - rides, car show, music by Swingin' Medallions, more May 1-2: Taste of Beaufort - at least 60 different dishes to taste from nearly 20 restaurants, Shag night May 1-3: Battle for Columbia - Sandy Run - Civil War reenactment, period demonstrations and exhibits - site no longer available May 1-3: Orangeburg Festival of Roses - petting zoo, arts & crafts, airplane rides, Princess & Queen of Roses May 1-3: Spring Fling - Spartanburg - huge street festival - dozens of bands, folk art, races, kids' carnival, more
May 1-9: Key Ingredients: America By Food - Edisto Island - Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition - site no longer available May 2-31: Please click here to find links for ALL May events.
© 2009, LLC. "SCIWAY News" is written by the team at SCIWAY – with a lot of help from people throughout South Carolina. ISSN: 1527-3903.
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