SCIWAY News No. 61 – November-December 2008![]() In This Issue
1. No Holiday for South Carolina's HomelessThere is little doubt that South Carolina's economy has taken a downturn in recent months. Home sales are down, new home construction is down, and the SC unemployment rate hit a record 7.6% in August placing it fifth in the nation1. This rate has since dropped slightly, but some SC counties still face unemployment as high as 11.8%.As more people find themselves out of work and unable to pay their mortgages, the rate of homelessness is increasing. Shelters throughout the state are trying to accommodate first-time homeless families, but limited resources and community opposition are adding to an already enormous problem. Add to that the decrease in donorship that inevitably comes with a suffering economy, and South Carolina's homeless are in for a very difficult winter. ![]() ![]() 2. November's Top Ten – Notable SC WebsitesGaffney Fire Department - Serves citizens through response, education, and fire preventionLander Forum - Greenwood - University news, forums, classifieds, and community message board - site no longer exists Natural Imagery - SC photographer's amazing pictures of flora and fauna throughout our state Palmetto Animal League - In-home foster care for abandoned animals in the Bluffton-Hilton Head area Palmetto Free Clinic - Serves the medical needs of uninsured citizens in York County - site no longer exists Save Our Saluda - Protects the Saluda Watershed from environmental effects of development SCUMS Online - Beautiful photos and facts about mushrooms by the SC Upstate Mycological Society 701 Center for Contemporary Art - Columbia - Encourages an understanding of the role of contemporary art and artists in the larger community TagRecord.Com - Provides a photographic record of graffiti and street art in South Carolina - site no longer exists Under the Kudzu - A South Carolina native explores his home state - Great history and photos! - site no longer exists We are Radio - Online radio station dedicated to local SC music and musicians, with newsletter, interviews, and an online store - site no longer exists ![]() 3. SC Picture of the MonthAn ominous sky bathes this rural scene in the inevitable change of seasons. Colder days approach, and the warmth of summer becomes a distant memory.
Shot by Ryan Hawthorne of Rock Hill, this photo harkens to a past left behind. On his way to work via SC 274 outside Clover, Ryan stopped to capture the atmosphere that winter weather brought to this barn. 4. Need Help for the Holidays? Never Fear, SCIWAY's Here!If the upcoming festivities have you feeling a little frantic, take heart! has a wealth of resources to help you through this hectic time. Whether it's preparing your home for family and friends or joining others in the celebration of the season, we can point you in the right direction.We hope these links will save you time – and most importantly, we hope you have a safe and wonderful winter!
![]() 5. Struttin' SC Style: Wild Turkeys and the Square DanceNovember is filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of winter's approach. Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season, and celebrations abound in every South Carolina community. Family, food, music, and dance are a few small things that make this time of year special, giving us the perfect opportunity to introduce two more South Carolina symbols – our state Folk Dance and our state Wild Game Bird.
November & December's Featured Symbols:
![]() 6. Upcoming SC Festivals & EventsFor a complete calendar of South Carolina festivals and events, visit Here are just a few of our November, December, and early January highlights:Holiday Lights Shows - Statewide - Seven to choose from - Through Jan 1 Save the Astro Rally - Clemson - Come out in support of saving the historic Astro Theater - November 21 - site no longer exists Italian Street Fair - Columbia - Opening event for the State Museum's latest exhibit, Leonardo Da Vinci: Machines in Motion - November 22 - site no longer exists South Carolina State Bluegrass Festival - Myrtle Beach - Three days and 21 shows - A must-see for any bluegrass fan! - November 27-29 - site no longer exists Backcountry Holiday - Ninety Six - Experience the holidays in an 18th-century setting - November 29 - page no longer exists Chitlin' Strut - Salley - Beauty pageant, "Idol" contest, live music, and unique southern delicacies - November 29 - site no longer exists FestiVELO - Charleston - Raise money for cycling advocacy while riding your trusty bike and enjoying 16 all-you-can-eat meals - December 3-8 Jingle Jingle Run - Hilton Head - Donate toys and gift-cards while burning off a few extra holiday calories - December 20 Colonial Christmas - Camden - Bring your family to learn what Christmas was like before Santa and the elves - December 13 - site not available Happy New Year, Charleston - Non-alcoholic family alternative to celebrating the new year, this free event offers food vendors, live music, and more - December 31 - site no longer exists ![]() 7. Camden: A Trot through HistoryFounded in 1733, Camden is our state's oldest inland town. Established by a decree from King George II, Camden started as a small backcountry settlement along the banks of the Wateree River – which at the time was about as far west as most Europeans would venture. Arriving in 1758, Joseph Kershaw, the county's namesake, gave the area a boost when he opened a mercantile in what he called "Pine Tree Hill." This fostered trade and lured others to settle in the region now known as the "Olde English District." Camden's advantageous position as a crossroad and trading post afforded it an important role in South Carolina's early history.![]()
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