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SCIWAY News No. 45 – July 2007

Previous Issues of SCIWAY News

In This Issue
  1. Can't Blame These on Our Accent: Mispronunciations of SC Places
  2. SCIWAY's New Look and Logo
  3. Notable SC Websites
  4. Political Blogs: Part One of the SC Blogs Directory - no longer available
  5. SC Photo of the Month
  6. Upcoming SC Festivals & Events
  7. SC Looks To Turn the Tide on Obesity

1. Can't Blame These on Our Accent: Mispronunciations of SC Places

South Carolina locations were named by a diverse array of early inhabitants, including Native Americans, Germans, English, and French. This can cause confusion for South Carolinians and visitors alike when they first encounter a new town, river, or street.

Some mistakes are made mostly by non-natives, like saying Beaufort SC [BU-fort] like Beaufort NC [BO-fort]. However there are plenty of names that are confusing even if you're a "been-hyuh."

Sometimes even simple-looking names can be deceiving. Lancaster is often pronounced LAN-KASS-ter, much to the chagrin of those who know it's actually LANG-kus-ter. And that one seemed so easy ....

Here are a few that are even trickier:
  • Sans Souci (which is French for "worry-free") is the name of a town in Greenville and a street in Charleston. It's pronounced san SUE-see.

  • The Cumbahee River, which runs through Colleton and Beaufort counties, is often pronounced KUM-buh-hee, but those more familiar with the waterway call it the KUM-BEE.

  • Yemassee, which is in southern SC, and Tamassee in Oconee County look like they would rhyme, but they don't. The first is pronounced YEM-uh-SEE while the latter is pronounced tuh-MAH-see. (Thanks to Sue Baldwin at the Walhalla branch of the Oconee County Public Library for helping us clear this up!)

  • Huger isn't HUG-ger or even HUGE-er (as in bigger). It's pronounced u-GEE in the Lowcountry, but HU-gee in the Midlands!

  • Horry also defies its phonetic spelling – the "h" is silent. The correct way to say this county's name is OH-REE.
And the list goes on and on. That is why we are creating a comprehensive list of SC place names that can be tricky to pronounce. From Alcolu to Wisacky, we hope this resource will become an accurate guide for everyone to use.

To do this right, however, we'll need your input. Do people find your town's name, local plantation, or nearby river hard to pronounce? Or have you always wondered how to say Coosawhatchie [KOO-sa-HATCH-ee] but just didn't know who to ask? Email us at service@sciway.net with additions AND suggestions. We can't wait to get started, and we'll let you know what we learn!

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2. SCIWAY's New Look and Logo

If you've visited SCIway.net lately, you've probably noticed that we have a new look and a new logo. The winner of our logo design contest, Anna Lukiewicz, lives in ... Poland!

SCIway Logo

We would like to thank everyone who contributed their time and talent to the logo contest. We hope you like our new look.

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3. Notable SC Websites

Alliance for Women - advocacy network for SC women - site no longer available

Big Brothers, Big Sisters - Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester counties

Center for a Better South - nonpartisan think tank for progressive ideas and policies for the American South - based in Charleston

Clemson Extension Home & Garden Info Center - plant, pest, and food advice for our state

Darkness to Light - fighting childhood sexual abuse through adult education, awareness

Hub City Writers Project - Spartanburg - publishes stories and poems that take place in SC

Rock Hill Parks, Recreation, Tourism & YMCA of Upper Palmetto - fun things to do in York County

Round River Farms - Leesville - community-supported organic farm - site no longer available

Sumter-Columbia Empowerment Zone - revitalization efforts based on community empowerment and business incentives - site no longer available

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4. Political Blogs: Part One of the SC Blogs Directory

The weather isn't the only thing that's hot this time of year. The political season is really starting to simmer – some might even say boil.

Because our presidential primary will be held so early next year, our state's votes will be especially influential. To keep abreast of the latest news and commentary concerning the 2008 elections and SC politics in general, take a look at the South Carolina Political Blogs (no longer available) we've collected and organized.

These blogs are written by South Carolinians from all parties and persuasions. About the only things they have in common are that they are regularly updated and passionately written. Their diversity makes them a great starting place for you to learn more about politics in the Palmetto State and the United States too.

This collection of SC Political Blogs (no longer available) is the first installment of our larger SC Blogs Directory. Look for the next installment in August, and in the meantime let us know if you know of an SC blog we should add to the list. Our email address is service@sciway.net, and as always we'd love to hear from you.

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5. SC Photo of the Month

Since 1930, Lake Murray has provided Midlands residents and visitors endless recreational opportunities. Lake Murray covers 78 square miles; it offers everything from open water for boating to quiet coves and creeks for fishing and swimming.

Back in July 2003, when the lake was at its lowest level due to the construction of a new backup dam, Suzette Morganelli of Lexington captured the essence of a summer sunset on the water.

—  Summer Hues  —

Thank you Suzette for sharing this Lake Murray sunset with us! Click here to learn more about the history of Lake Murray, and click here to learn more about the SC Picture Project.

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6. Upcoming SC Festivals & Events

For a complete calendar of South Carolina festivals and events, visit https://www.sciway.net/calendar.html. Here are just a few of July and early August's highlights:

South Carolina Festival of Discovery - July 12-14 - Greenwood - food, fun, music, bbq, blues cruise, more

SC Genealogical Society Annual Workshop - July 13-14 - Columbia

Beaufort Water Festival - July 13-22

Battle of Huck's Defeat Reenactment - July 14-15 - Brattonsville - York County

31st Annual South Carolina Peach Festival - July 14-22 - Gaffney

Junior Wildwater World Championships - July 17-19 - Columbia - site no longer available

Pageland Watermelon Festival - July 20-22 - Chesterfield County

SC Democratic Presidential Debate - July 23 - Charleston

Lowcountry Bowl for the Cure - July 29 - North Charleston

Little Mountain Reunion Festival - August 3-4 - Newberry

SC Peanut Party - August 9-11 - Pelion - Lexington County

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7. SC Looks To Turn the Tide on Obesity

Nationwide, obesity is poised to surpass tobacco use as the #1 preventable cause of death. Although obesity is on the rise in all states, the percentage of South Carolinians who are obese is higher than the national average.

While obesity itself is not an illness, it increases the risk of many diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

  • 64% of South Carolinians are overweight; almost half of those people are considered obese.

  • SC obesity-related medical expenditures topped one billion dollars in 2003.

  • 21% of deaths in South Carolina are attributed to heart disease. One of every seven patients in SC hospitals has diabetes.

  • South Carolina has had the highest rate of stroke deaths in the nation for 50 years. Because of this we have been given the unfortunate distinction of being in "the buckle of the stroke belt." See US stroke incidence map.

  • In 2003, 368,000 SC children and adolescents were classified as overweight or obese. This is 5% higher than the national average.

  • Medical experts predict that today's generation of US children could be the first with a shorter life expectancy than their parents.

Fortunately there is some good news. Many organizations across the state are tackling the issues of obesity and related illnesses. To learn more, visit our guide to SC healthy living organizations.

Please email service@sciway.net if you know of an organization that should be on our list. After all, helping everyone stay informed is vital to prevention efforts.

Featured Resources
  • Louie's Kids - fighting childhood obesity - headquartered in SC
  • Healthy South Carolina Challenge - statewide effort to promote healthy lifestyle choices - site no longer available
  • Tri-State Stroke Network - SC, NC, GA - how to recognize and prevent strokes - site no longer available
  • BMI Calculator - online tool adults and children can use to determine if their weight is healthy
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© 2007 SCIway.net, LLC. "SCIWAY News"™ is written by the team at SCIWAY – with a lot of help from people throughout South Carolina. ISSN: 1527-3903.

Our mailing address is PO Box 13318, James Island, South Carolina 29422.

The SCIWAY News mailing list is not loaned or sold to anyone.

Comments and questions about this newsletter should be sent to service@sciway.net.

Back issues of SCIWAY News can be found here.

SCIway, pronounced "sky-way," is an acronym for South Carolina Information Highway.


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