SCIWAY News No. 44 – June 2007![]() In This Issue1. South Carolina Blog StarWell, we've said it before, and hopefully we'll say it again, but of all the good things about working on SCIway, not working on SCIway is the best!Enter our new blog project. Um, that is, our future new blog project. As in forthcoming. Eventually. You see, we noticed these blog things were getting pretty popular, and we decided we should make a directory of them. We thought we'd gather up all the ones about South Carolina and organize them in one place so they'd be easier for you to find. It was a noble idea, and we still intend to do it, but we got distracted early on. Perhaps distracted is too mild a word. Ambushed might be more accurate. That's because right out of the gate, we discovered a blog that is so incredible, so interesting and special, we've hardly been able to do a lick of work since. We just can't stop looking at the thing! Now that you've been warned, we'd like to introduce to you a true South Carolina Blog Star. Walk This Way is the wonderful, whimsical work of Joan Perry, who chronicles her adventures around town and around the state in what she describes as her "online scrapbook" of South Carolina. Based in Charleston, Joan takes you down the streets of the Holy City and the backroads of SC, visiting churches, cemeteries, cotton fields, and more. A self-professed "Sidewalk Graffiti Curator," Joan finds beauty in both large and small reminders of our state's charm. With camera in hand, she documents her discoveries for all of us to share. Joan's blog is lighthearted, humorous, irreverent, and magical. Her collection of photos and their descriptions are a gift to South Carolina. Every day she is out and about recording pieces of our history and culture. She captures images of old shacks and signs, images that exist nowhere else on the Internet, and with them she captures our collective memories. We are lucky to have her! Read our interview with Joan, then visit her blog for yourself. But remember to finish all your work first ... because this site is way too much fun! Editor's note: Sadly, the blogging platform that hosted "Walk This Way" crashed in December 2008. It was a huge loss for South Carolina. Joan is carrying on, however, with her new blog, Charleston Daily Photo. ![]() 2. Notable SC WebsitesBenjamin E. Mays Historic Site - Greenwood County birthplace of Civil Rights leader Benjamin MaysBlue Sky - learn about the Columbia artist who created Tunnelvision and much more Certified South Carolina - brands and promotes food grown in SC County Registers of Deeds - property searches, forms, more Picturetown - Nikon camera promotion in Georgetown - site no longer exists Recycling A-Z - where to recycle in Greenville and beyond - an especially useful resource! - site no longer exists< - free service to list and locate low-income rental housing ![]() 3. $500 SCIway Logo Design Contest
When you read this newsletter next month, SCIway should look a lot different than it does now! The time has come for us to update our look, and we've been hard at work doing just that. The format will still be clean and easy-to-follow, but we are adding some features to make our site more useful than ever. 4. SC Photo of the MonthFor the month of June, we decided to bring you a summertime shot taken on our beautiful coast. This scene is surely one that evokes memories for many of us and reminds us of the fishing industry and its importance in our state.The photograph of the Four Girls shrimp boat was taken by Tammy Watson of Aiken while she was visiting Ladys Island in Beaufort County. Thank you Tammy for sharing this great picture with us! Thank you also for sharing your thoughtful description of the scene and all that it stands for.
Click here to learn more about the SC Picture Project. 5. Upcoming SC Festivals & EventsFor a complete calendar of South Carolina festivals and events, visit Here are just a few of June's highlights:
Scottish Games & Highland Festival - June 8-9 - Greenville
© 2007, LLC. "SCIWAY News" is written by the team at SCIWAY – with a lot of help from people throughout South Carolina. ISSN: 1527-3903.
Our mailing address is PO Box 13318, James Island, South Carolina 29422.
The SCIWAY News mailing list is not loaned or sold to anyone.
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Back issues of SCIWAY News can be found here.
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