South Carolina
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SCIWAY has been online for 29 years – since 1996 – and our goal is to create a complete repository of everything about the Palmetto State ... the go-to source for "all things South Carolina."
SCIWAY is maintained by a
small team of just two people, so we welcome contributions large and small. Check out the list below to learn about everything you can add to SCIWAY.
Did You Know?
Interesting Fact: No other state has a website like SCIWAY. In fact, we often get requests to create a "SCIWAY" for another states. We have even gotten franchise requests from Ohio, Hawaii, Georgia, and North Carolina. Most other state websites are run by the government and are limited to government-type information. SCIWAY has 4,500 pages about everything from SC tourism and history ... to SC jobs, bands, and restaurants.
What would you like to share?
With links to over 48,000 South Carolina websites, things do break sometimes. If you see a broken link – or any inaccurate info – please email a quick tip so we can fix it right away!
add all South Carolina nonprofit websites free-of-charge – that includes websites for art, sports, government, hospitals, and so much more. Please note that we can only add one free link per website. Please
click here if you need more than one link.
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advertising options for South Carolina businesses and become part of SCIWAY's
SC Business Directory. We use this money to offset the cost of maintaining SCIWAY, a South Carolina service used by millions of students and adults every year. Please note that to protect your company and stay with Google's quality standards, all business links on SCIWAY are no-followed.
SC Calendar of Events is hugely popular, which makes it a great place to let everyone in the state know what you're up to.
Add non-commerical events for free, and
add commercial events for a small fee.
Love it or hate it, we'd be grateful to know. Email us at and let us know what you think of SCIWAY, as a whole or any portion of it. (Seriously, you would never guess how excited we get when we hear from our visitors!)