South Carolina
SC Organizations
SC Charities
Summerville Charities
FEATURED Summerville Nonprofit Organizations
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Choose by Type – Summerville Charities and Nonprofits
Many Summerville-area charities are listed on separate pages according to type. If you do not see the type of non-profit you are looking for in the list below, please look in the next section, called
Choose by Name.
Choose by Name – Summerville Charities and Nonprofits
This lists shows all Summerville-area charities that are not listed on separate pages under the "Choose by Type" section above. SCIWAY strives to link to every non-profit website in South Carolina. If you would like to add a charity to SCIWAY, please use the form below. And don't forget to check out our
entire list of organizations in South Carolina – the organization(s) you're seeking may be listed on a different page.
- Expanding the Table - Summerville - food truck serving hot meals Fridays and Saturdays to homeless and working poor
- HALOS, Helping And Lending Outreach Support - North Charleston - provides assistance to abused and neglected children in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties and to their caregivers, through a variety of programs and initiatives to improve the lives of these children
- Healing Hurts - Ridgeville - transitional maternity home providing residential services to women of all ages as well as victim advocacy for domestic violence and sexual assault victims
- Hunters Helping Hands - Ridgeville - all volunteer organization distributes processed venison to local food banks
- I Am Voices - Summerville - dedicated to healing survivors and eradicating sexual violence, especially focusing on young girls and teens in the foster care system, by providing a healing environment, services, support, and a safe place for victims of abuse
- Katie's Krops - empowering youth to start and maintain vegetable gardens of all sizes and donate the harvest to help feed people in need
- Kay Phillips Child Advocacy Center - Summerville, serving Berkeley and Dorchester counties - provides services to victims of child abuse and neglect in a safe, child-focused environment including trauma treatment, forensic medical services, and prevention education programs
- Keys to Change - provides a safe environment, support services, and an avenue to independence for those in a housing crisis
- LVRS Rescue - Lincolnville - special operations volunteer squad
- Neighbors Together - North Charleston - providing vital services to the less fortunate in the Tricounty area
- One-Eighty Place - Summerville - homeless shelter
- 141 Impact - Summerville - assists orphaned and abandoned children in Uganda
- Operation Home - North Charleston - making critical home repairs for low-income residents
- Teacher's Supply Closet - gives teachers in six Title 1 schools supplies for their classrooms and students
- Tri-County S.P.E.A.K.S. - Charleston - assists adult victims of sexual assault in the tri-county area
- Tri-County Veterans Support Network - Goose Creek - advocacy and holistic service to veterans and families
- Trident Literacy Association - North Charleston - increases literacy with instruction in reading, writing, mathematics, English as a Second Language, GED preparation, and basic computer use
- Trident United Way - Summerville - programs to address education, financial stability, and health needs in the communities of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties