South Carolina – Indians, Native Americans – Glossary

South Carolina SC History SC Native Americans SC Native Americans Glossary
  • Active – An active tribe exists today and is made up of members who are descended from the original tribe. These members identify themselves socially, politically, and/or culturally, as a group.

  • Extinct – An extinct tribe no longer exists because there are no surviving descendants of the original tribe or because they no longer identify or organize themselves as a group.

  • Recognition

    Federal Recognition – According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, federal recognition means that tribes "have a special, legal relationship with the United States government. This relationship is referred to as a government-to-government relationship...wherein no decisions about their lands and people are made without their consent." For more detailed information on relations between Indian tribes and the United States government, see the Bureau of Indian Affairs and for a listing of the tribes, see the Bureau of Indian Affairs list of federally-recognized tribes.

    State Recognition – State recognition of tribes varies but is generally similar to federal recognition in that it acknowledges the right of tribes to govern themselves. Fifteen states recognize Indian tribes, including South Carolina by legislation signed in 2003.

    State Recognized Group – From the South Carolina Commission for Minority Affairs, "State recognized groups are assembled groups of Native Americans who are not related, with varying interests and behaviors, and diverse ethnic backgrounds."

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