Help Build the South Carolina Picture Project!

South Carolina SC Picture Project Share Stories and Information

Submission Guidelines

The South Carolina Picture Project is a permanent historical repository compiled by the people of our state. Please contribute any history, stories, or other info you would like to see preserved for future generations. This is the Palmetto State's "safe place" for information that might otherwise be lost to time. It is also a wonderful place for people to honor their hometowns.

All submissions should be original (not copied from another source). You will receive full credit for your submission, including a link to your website if you choose.

Information Submission Form

[ * = Indicates a required field ]

I, * , certify that I own the image below, and that I grant SCIWAY permanent, non-exclusive rights to display the image on the Internet. I retain ownership of the image.

I also understand that SCIWAY reserves the right to decide what images it will display, how the images will be used, where on SCIWAY the images will appear, and whether the image needs to be altered in any way.

* Your hometown:

* Your email address:

  Your website, if desired (professional or personal):

* Description – Please share the story behind this image. Need inspiration? Here are some examples:
  • What is the history of this landmark?
  • Why is this place special to you?
  • Do you have memories of it as a child?
  • Who were you with when you took it?
  • What do you remember about the day?
  • If this is artwork, what made you want to create it?

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