Feedback from SCIWAY Advertisers


For 29 years, SCIWAY has been South Carolina's preeminent website. We serve millions of people a year.

Many people know and love SCIWAY, and many depend on it to find information – about local businesses, their communities, their government, history, culture, travel, and more. We are able to provide this information thanks to the generous support of our advertisers.

Feedback from Our Advertisers

Holy cow is SCIWAY effective! Like, unbelievably effective!
— Lauren, Agent for Verizon Wireless

We get more referrals from SCIWAY than from all our other links combined.
— Bob, Upstate Real Estate Agent

Your site is one of our top performers for our clients. They have more than recouped their investment. I will definitely recommend they renew their current listing package with SCIWAY.
— Ken, Agent for Wild Dunes

You are my top website referrer and bring me more quality leads and business than any other website avenue.
— Mike, Charleston Real Estate Agent

You guys always seem to be on top of your game. Thanks for all the help!
— Michael, Columbia Real Estate Agent

Thank you for the referrals SCIWAY. We get thousands each year from your site!
— Lisa, Charleston Event Coordinator

You're an absolute pleasure to work with!
— Bob, Charleston Lawyer

SCIWAY is consistently our second link behind Google. That is VERY impressive.
— Charlie, Greenwood Visitors Bureau

I am just really happy with the traffic we've gotten from you. You are truly a customer driven business and a class act. Please keep up the good work. You deliver so much more than is promised!
— Phil, Myrtle Beach Real Estate Agent

Our website statistics indicate SCIWAY's URL is one of the top places where people are getting information about our site. Thanks for all you do!
— Wendy, SC Healthcare Sponsor

You're my top referral by a huge amount.
— Marshall, Charleston Real Estate Agent

I am very impressed with the results of your site!
— Jerry, Columbia Real Estate Agent

I recently found your website and was indeed impressed and pleasantly surprised that I had not been aware of it before. What a tremendous amount of information and resources for South Carolinians.
— Brian, Pawleys Island Bed & Breakfast Owner

The number of hits our website took as a result of the ad on your site makes it well worth doing again.
— Angie, Greenwood Event Sponsor

Just wanted to take a minute to tell you how pleased I have been with SCIWAY. Ninety percent of my business comes from the Internet and most of it comes from customers traveling your SCIWAY. Thank you for the exposure.
— Rick, Charleston Detective

SCIWAY has proven to be a good source of leads for me and it is a pleasure working with you.
— Jon, Charleston Real Estate Agent

Your site looks great and it sends a lot of traffic our way. Thanks!
— James, Greenville Home Builder

We run extensive webtrends and tracking on our web sites. Your site has been a valued referrer. Thanks for all your hard work.
— Rich, South Carolina Private Community Sponsor has been one of our best marketing decisions.
— Steve, Litchfield Beach Vacation Rental Sponsor

Thanks for providing a great advertising opp for us!
— Jay, Charleston Web Designer

Thank you so much for your kindness and working so diligently on my behalf.
— Michelle, West Columbia Gift Shop Owner

The ad for our Lake Greenwood Rental looks great. Thanks for being so efficient and speedy.
— Kim, Lake Greenwood Vacation Rental Sponsor

Thanks for giving [my] ad consideration rather than just posting. That's why your site is so good!!!
— Linda, Charleston Web Designer

Just wanted to let you know, which you can probably see, that I renewed. I can track where my hits are coming from and SCIWAY shows every time, often as much as 15% of our hits.
— Julie, Charleston Art Gallery Owner

I can tell you we'd be the first in line to renew. Just checked our web traffic from yesterday – well worth every dollar we spent.
— Charlie, City of Greenwood

We just renewed online! Thank you. (And thank you for your high search engine placements!)
— Ashley, Columbia Appraiser

Thank you so much for the prompt response and outstanding service. This makes us feel really good about our partnering and investing with SCIWAY.
— Rick, Anderson Human Resources Company

Thank you for the invitation, but your site was so successful and we have received an overwhelming and positive response that we will not need to renew. However, if in the future we have any employment needs we will certainly utilize your website!
— Kim, Columbia Job Sponsor

Just wanted to let you know, which you can probably see, that I renewed. I can track where my hits are coming from and SCIWAY shows every time, often as much as 15% of our hits.
— Julie, Charleston Art Gallery Owner

Love your site and it has been helpful to us with our new business.
— Gloria, Columbia Tour Operator

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