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SCIWAY, pronounced "sky-way," is an acronym for the
Information High
way. It's also the name of this website, which is the largest and most comprehensive directory of South Carolina information on the Internet.
Most of the nearly 2,000,000 people who visit SCIWAY each year either live in South Carolina or want to move here or vacation here.
SCIWAY includes over 50,000 links to other South Carolina websites as well as an amazing collection of maps, charts, articles, and other resources we've developed. It is organized by subject areas – such as education, history, jobs, real estate, and tourism – and has three main goals:
- To help South Carolinians and people throughout the world find information about South Carolina quickly and easily.
- To give people a space to create a thriving repository of SC culture and information.
- To celebrate the Palmetto State's unparalleled people and places.
Who is SCIWAY?
SCIWAY is run by
Kerri Fitts and
Robin Welch, a team of two women who love South Carolina a rather ridiculous amount. ;)
SCIWAY's Story
SCIWAY was originally created by Rod Welch at The Citadel in early 1996 as a learning and public service project. Since 1997 it has been privately funded, and it is now published by, LLC, a James Island web information company. While SCIWAY is in many ways a public service, it receives no government funding.
We also partner with the
South Carolina Picture Project, an online historical repository documenting our state's landmarks and landscapes ... and
South Carolina Plantations, a site about South Carolina's 1800+ plantations.
If you have an idea about how we could improve SCIWAY ... or if your company or organization would like to
advertise on SCIWAY, please write